I’m not one for titles because they never actually and completely define who we are. If I had to put a title on myself It might look like this I am a modern Christian Feminist Conservative Democrat with Libertarian views at times Egalitarian on some issues Mom Wife Volunteer Friend Moonpiest who sings loud and off key in my car.
That’s right I’m a CFCDLEMWVFM bad singer.
It occurred to me that not everyone is familiar with the greatness on the Moon Pie. I know it’s a sad thing so I’ve placed a thingy to click to it so that you might understand the true meaning of it’s greatness. Until you actually taste the goodness you can truly not be a real Moonpiest you if I may will only be a Mock Moonpiest .
Have I always been a Moonpiest? Yes, as long as I could eat real foods I was a Moonpiest. My mother was a Moonpiest and possibly her mother I’m not sure. My Grandmother was from Tennessee so I’m sure she knew of the joy.
I have a special place in my heart for miners. Knowing that they named the treat brings tears of joy to my eyes. My uncle was a cole miner. My aunt was proud to be his wife his daughter was . . . . Oops sorry. (A country song took over.)

Taste the goodness sit on the fence with me, become a Moonpies.
The cool kids are doing it.
Im a always working at home mom, fiscally conservative, preachers kid, missionary's kid, pta, feminist, texan. Does that make me a awahgoppkmkptaftx?
I havent had a moon pie in twenty years. Sounds good! I like the yellow ones though!
I forgot a Christian.
If the cool kids are doing it, then I know I'll fail. :-D
Ah, who am I kidding. You know me. Fences for jumping!
Hey Cowboy,
We use barbed wire careful with those Wranglers I’d hate to see a good pair ripped.
Tips from a gal who has ripped her Levi’s crawling through and over.
You’re a cool kid you can hang with us. All you need is a MoonPie and a smile. I think I lost my cool kidness years ago. Now I’m like a mom is what I’m told. A duh!
That can be the book title “All You Need Is A MoonPie & A Smile.
Dear MoonPie Goddess...
Never had the opportunity to enjoy the famous MoonPie. There are similar products in CA, but different names and not so tasty... :(
Perhaps its the MoonPie that causes one to sing loud and off-key while driving. Surely it doesn't cause one to be a CFCDLEMWVFM.
To never of had a MoonPie is like never to have a drop of sunshine to never see a rainbow to never know the true meaning of life. (Sorry I went too far there) It actually would make you sing off key a bit marshmallow cream and stuff. I’ll weep at the thought of you not ever having one. It’s as if you are in a dark mist never to slid down a rainbow. (Oops tooo far again)
Moon Pies aaah you may not know it but there was a country song written about that delicious thing.
I forgot who sung it but will never forget the title.
"RC Cola and a Moonpie"
and growing up in Arkansas I enjoyed Both, a great combination.
Hey cool kid look at this page
I knew of it. So are you a Moonpiest?
TOOOO cool. Moonpiest unite!
I didn't know if the address came throuhg at first try.
History of the MoonPie and its association with RC Cola
The MoonPie hit the markets of Chattanooga Tennessee in 1917 and R.C. Cola arrived in 1934. They were an instant success when they combined forces in the 1950's. You could buy a RC (Royal Crown) Cola and MoonPie special for 10 cents, back then, that was a full 16 ounces of soda and the MoonPies' weighed about near (that's southern for Approximate size) a half pound.
This combo was soon labeled as the instant fast food lunch of the fifties. Although it's never been acknowledged that the merging of the two was a planned marketing strategy or just plain luck.
This combination has inspired many to write, read and celebrate in its existence. Songs such as the 1950s hit "Gimm'e an RC Cola and a Moonpie" from Big Bill Liston in the 1950's to today's version from NRBQ called "RC and Moonpie" and "Moonpie" by Edwin Hubbard As well as the popular children's musical version by Bill Harley called "Weezie and the Moon Pies". Along with several books "The Great American Moon Pie Handbook" by Ron Dickson in 1985 and the somewhat new children's book "Jimmy Zangwow's Out-of-This-World Moon Pie Adventure" written by Tony DiTerlizzi and released in 2000.
To order a large print or postcard of the Moonpie Factory circa:1930's Email leeknowles2000@yahoo.com
You are a true Moonpiest!
The word verification is dearf
I think your description of yourself is somewhat of an oxymoron, but heh!
I guess I am an All Around Conservative, Christian, Sinner, Save by God's Grace. AACCSSGG!
Moonpies: up north we used to laugh at them as a southern (as in hick) thing. I'm from Ohio and the thought tickled me and my friends. When I was 10, we moved to Florida, and they are quite big in these parts.
I tried one and dag-nabbit, they are pretty darn good!
God Bless
I have friends who are liberal republicans. ;-]
Oh! I was reffering to Christian and Democrat.... ROFL.... I'm just joking!
Much Love
We have to be Christians cause someone seems to be taking our livelihood away and some days it’s a shoe string and a prayer.
Rats they just taxed our shoestrings. Good thing we have a separation of religion and state.
Love ya back bro!
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