Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Top Of The Mountain

I’ve dusted myself off and reclaimed the mountain, yesterday I hit the summit. I cried then cleaned house. I felt better to see the protective layer of dust gone from my family room and kitchen. I haven’t cooked much in the last two weeks.

Today I reached the top stretched out my arms and drew in a breath of life. It felt great. The burdens are lifted and I am free.

I received encouraging and thoughtful words from a brother in Christ. Thank you.

Today was the day my friends body was put to rest. I worked and in God’s usual form He gave me bright moments. I received a good evaluation at work and was told I was recommended for hire. I’m still a temp. I listened to my son as he watched a science program explain how God created everything in His time. My daughter drew a picture of the world for me. When she brought it in I said "Do you know what I need?" She said "For me to move away from you." (She was sitting very close) "No" "To get dressed for church" "Yes but that isn’t it" "I just don’t know then" "I need a hug from you" Her eyes lit up and I received lots of hugs and kisses. She then showed me her new swim stroke. I can’t wait to see her in action. She’s very athletic I wish I had all the time in the world to feed her hunger for sports. I thought about how cool it would be to live on a large piece of land with people who would support each other in these things. Like someone who plays tennis teaches tennis and gardeners working with the kids and then I realized it was a commune and or a compound and well you know. . . .Milly jokes.

As for the things of the past I cannot change them I can only pray that they can be healed.

I was alone for a while at church working on something then a friend joined me we began to talk about death and she told me this amazing story. Someone she knew was with a relative when he passed. He described what he was seeing as he died it was so comforting to hear that there was a hand waiting to take him. My friend received a nice write up in her home town paper. She was so amazing. I thought about mom and her together. Her telling mom about our last visit how she loved watching my daughter sit in the yard waiting for the cats to come to her, the delight when they did. She’d tell about eating at a favorite restaurant all of us telling stories and laughing. I could hear her very distinctive voice. I could see my mother put her hand on her face and welcome her home. The laughter in Heaven has been raised to a new level now.

I tucked my little in bed and said "Goodnight Pudding Pop" She said "Goodnight Momma Stuff" I got my air kiss from the about to be a teen. He’s claiming it.

All is right tonight. God is in the House!

1 comment:

Milly said...

Welcome. The description the dying man gave was so amazing. It's a blessing from God to us. He was reached for and taken to the most beautiful place.

I’m usually an up beat person. I try hard to find a way to keep from allowing depression to slip in. I’ve had it in the past so I know how hard it can hit. I made a mistake of sorts by thinking an old friend wold be the answer. In some ways it was. Her life is a train wreck and is killing her. Thanks to some kind and thoughtful words, my family, and God. I was able to pull out.

My friend's service was like her unique and fun. She planned it herself before she even knew about the cancer. God is amazing.