Sunday, June 18, 2006

More Questions

Here is a question for you. I am working on my post on feminist and feminism.

Please be honest and respectful in your answers.

I am surprised that the men haven’t chimed in.

I am adding more questions and yes they are for the men also.

Have you ever been sexually harassed in the work place?

Have you been paid less because of your gender?

What do these words mean to you?

Feminism and feminist


Kevin Knox said...

Most of the men are on vacation this week or two. We'll be back.

Me, I have no excuse. :8)

Sexually harassed:

Paid Less:

Caution. Of course, the word "domestic" means the same thing to me, caution. There's just no telling what feminism means to the person saying it.

Extend the hand of friendship. She's likely to have a lot of unique views, some of which will send me ducking for the door and others of which I will applaud. There's just no way to know which is which without asking.

The only reason I can see not to be a feminist is fear of displeasing God, and the only place that fear comes from is the church. A woman who fears the church that much makes me more nervous than one who challenges numerous things.

Milly said...


What jobs would you say women should not have?

(Note this is not for an arguement I'm COC so I have some in mind)

Feminism; the evolved version: men are not only equal, they should have the same jobs, without regard to a God-given creation order of things.

Are you talking Adamism? He was first so we should be last?
(Note Adamism is a Millyism)

Milly said...

You know I love this discussion. We seem to be on the same page. I will most likely surprise some.

I know that some are summering in other places I just wanted to poke you into saying how you felt.

Milly said...

I want to answer these

Have you ever been sexually harassed in the work place?
Yes more than once.

Have you been paid less because of your gender?
Yes I worked for an-at-a-boy company

Kevin Knox said...

I just wanted to poke you into saying how you felt.


The downside of bloglines is that sometimes I read an article, and forget to go back when I have the time. Ummm. Wait. That's a downside of being me. Oh yeah.

Poking is appreciated.

Milly said...


there are some that SOME women can do, but they're women I'd rather not be around.

Could you clarify what roles?

Before you do I want to say I’m COC and very much believe COC in leadership.

Anonymous said...

Hey all! I'll chime in. Sorry it took so long, but I just got here.

Have I ever been sexually harrassed in the workplace?

Have I ever been paid less because of my gender?'s usually because of my skill level. ;-)

Feminism: When I use the word, I am usually rererring to the different characteristics and personallities, and strengths that women bring into this world. Things like soft-heartedness, empathy, sympathy, nurturing, beauty,...and the like.

The word "Feminist" sends chills up my spine. I am certainly not saying that that is the proper response. That is just a personal reaction. It conjures up the image of a woman trying to be manly in ways that are not godly. Not all femisists are like that. I know that full well. But there were enough of them in the 60's and 70's to leave that impression.

(Hey. You asked. I told. Now stop glaring at me like that!)

Codepoke is right, though. You never know what th person using the terms means when they use them.

Anonymous said...

On the topic of jobs, I tend to agree with Ellen. Any job should be open if the woman is capable, except where the Bible says it ain't supposed to be.

I do think that there are certain women trying to get into jobs that they have no business doing. For instance: I have no problem with women firefighters. But part of the job is being able to rescue people from burning buildings by carrying them out. There are wispy little women who want to take that kind of job who just ought to see that their physical make-up is not able to do that.


There are men who I would also describe in the same light. They are too weak to be of any use when it comes to carrying a 250 pound person out of a burning building.

To me, it will always come down to the capabilities, physical, mental, or whatever, of the person applying for the job.

Milly said...

I was raised around women who could and did do great jobs with family and a career. Then again I grew up with judges, lawyers, psychologist, and so on. I was encouraged by my mother to go back to work after having a child. I do know those who do it and do it well. I am happy to know them. It has to be done as a joint effort, Dads play a part in raising the kids too.

Andreia Huff said...

No one has ever answered for me in a manner that makes any sense what it is that God would have for a woman that is a natural leader?

Especially when those exact traits are what make some women so certain that "they're women I'd rather not be around?"

I find it hard to believe that a God that loves us would choose to embolden a woman with traits of leadership and then have her hide it under a bushel.

Milly's other questions:

Sexually harassed: too many times, in too many ways

Paid less: not yet

Feminist: person who embraces the equality for women in political, economic and cultural sectors. A person that acknowledges women should have the ability to exercise their talents in these sectors in many different ways

Milly said...

Feminist: person who embraces the equality for women in political, economic and cultural sectors. A person that acknowledges women should have the ability to exercise their talents in these sectors in many different ways

Good answer!

God's Woman said...

Milly, this is an excellent example of what I think about feminism. th entire post is really too long to copy and paste.

Thank you for your provocative questions and posts!