Monday, April 10, 2006

Check this out.


Kevin Knox said...


So do you tell your kids about this, and send them walking into town? I definitely don't know whether I will. I might, though.

Milly said...

On Wednesday a screening will be at my church. I know that some from there have signed up. I want my son to view it if he wants to. I just don’t know after that. Our church supports missions in Africa. I want my children to fully understand the horrors and the blessings of this world. I know that it must sound a bit harsh. This word of ours is so materialistic it’s easy to lose them to text messaging, video games, Sponge Bob, on so on.

I was so glad to get an e-mail from his teacher about the book The Hiding Place. She actually wrote I think you children will be blessed by this book. I think they will. It also gave us the chance to talk at dinner about the Holocaust and how things like that continue to happen, I told him about Custer and how it was a joke to kill the Indians, and so on. I want them to know that some of the history is hidden because it’s too harsh for some to see.

It’s a fine line on what to tell your children about the world. I want them to seek the truth and to have compassion towards their fellow man.

Kevin Knox said...

My son heard about this too. I love that he would have gone. He has a test to study for that day, or he would have gone, and I would have supported him.

He is pretty up on how awful the world is. We have kept the slavery in the world, and the oppression of so many people before them much like you are. I agree that it's necessary.

Milly said...

I ended up not going myself. I have a headache working it's way up. I spent the evening working and talking with church friends.