Friday, February 23, 2007

Ok so I’m raising this teenager. . .

and. . . .

Last night when I arrived home I noticed the playroom light on. I had two thoughts The light was forgotten or he’s still up.

He was still up and it’s almost eleven. I give him that Mom look and whisper in a loud angry tone to get to bed. I mumble about his dad not knowing as I make my way down the steps. When I reached the bottom I knew I wouldn’t have known myself.

I’m working nights a bit and haven’t seen much of the kids. I looked at the boy today and noticed that not only does he need a hair cut but a washing wouldn’t hurt. When asked how long it’s been he didn’t know. Ick! I wash my hair every day. I reminded him to use shampoo and rinse.

He’s thirteen
So why do the teens forget stuff like hygiene?


Anonymous said...

Milly I know that girls are more proned to have hygene practices because I raised 2 girls and one boy. The only thing I will say about boys is "Boys will be Boys" . Have a Blessed weekend! Ron.

pearlie said...

Sorry, no help here. My boy is still single digit at 9. Only to let you know that I am here ;) and patience is what we moms would never seem to hold on to.

Larry said...

Who knows why teens do anything; good or bad!

Some teens just seem to have an aversion to soap & water that only time will heal. With good training they often realize the need of taking a good quarterly shower. :)

Start holding your nose when he enters the room, perhaps he will get the hint. :)

kc bob said...

Teenage boys - cannot believe that I once were one. Hang in there Milly because a discovery is coming that will change your son's bathing habits - teenage girls :)

Kevin Knox said...

All that means is your boy has not found a girl yet. Some day, sooner than later probably, you won't be able to get him out of the bathroom.

Unknown said...

This is the time to make them recognize their responsibilities.

We were made done the same when we were teens