Three post behind and counting. *-*
I need some tech help and yes I still have Codepokes helps saved. How do I put that nifty link thing in a post? If I wanted to say Codepoke had this to say you could click on the word this and go to his site. Some of my latest stuff screams for this.
Gotta heat up the shrimp for Miss Little beg the boy to eat something and fix my lunch before work and I think I need to check the laundry. I think the kids are going to visit Uncle Mark this week. I also need to hear why they are killing sharks just for the fins and that makes Miss Littles sad. Me too.
something like this < a href ="">Word< /a>
Only take out the single space after each <
and you get Word
oh and make sure that the website link is formatted
"I love to go swimmin with bowlegged women" A song to teach the kids!
What Scott said.
If you want, go to a site that has those nifty commenting buttons (I know of one :-P ), and use the buttons to format your link. Then copy and paste the text into your post here. Just don't post the comment on that site!
The nice thing about those buttons is that if you pay attention you start to learn how the code works. That's how I learned a lot.
Also, check out this site which has a bunch of reference pages and tutorials for web stuff. I've used it a lot.
Oh, jsut make sure the commenting buttons are for HTML. DK's buttons create BBcode, which doesn't work on msot sites.
I is a good spelr. 8-P
Thanks guys and Mark you'll be keep'n dad's silly songs alive a B male tradition.
I should teach them some of those. I'm not sure I can remember them all.
The swimmin song is a Roger song, not a Dad song. That would be Match in the Gas Tank
Dad had several and I remember a few of the silly songs you boys knew. I didn’t drink Swamp punch no matter what color it was. It’s a fun tradition to pass down Silly Song Singing.
On Blogger, when you are in Compose mode, you can just hit the link button above the text box then paste your link into it.
Milly, the posts must have contained some contents that your blog admin doesn't allow, so it transfers to '*'.
Not necessary that how many '*''s that many character word or alphabets. That is based on your checking the contents part program.
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