Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why church?

Now that’s something that we’ve been asked a bit around the blogdom. So then this can be an easy one for us to talk about.

Today as I came down from the booth I spotted a man who seemed a bit lost so I greeted him and asked if I could help him. He seemed to force a smile and responded with shrinkage. I explained that we weren’t about filling a building and he responded by telling me who we were. We weren’t as big as he remembered. I came back with We aren’t about filling a building. His response is like so many others I've encountered. We aren’t? What are we about? My responses We are about worshiping God not filling a building. My worship leader overhearing parts responded with Just filling a building that’s not good, not at all. I smiled and walked away.

So you know he didn’t stomp off at that conversation infact he waved at me later when I was in the fish bowl. (A place where I work at church. . . ok more like play at)

As I was walking in for worship one of the men stopped me. I was so glad to see him because he gave us a bit of a scare, he became ill and was thought to have GBS. He still has a bit to go but is in good spirits. He tells me he has been worried and thinking of me every day. Insert me teary eyed. As we were talking another man who had been rather close to my almost X came over and hugged me and had some very kind words. Ok now I’m holding back my tears.

Come on Milly get to the chairs, that’s all that you have to do find your children and get to the chairs. You know I was stopped by a sister who wanted a hug and to introduce me to another sister who has gone through a divorce. We talked about her first date and laughed a bit. I hope to get to know her better because she seemed like a nice lady. I found my kids and was able to focus on God instead of me.

Why church?

Milly thinks God deserves our attention. We need a place to focus. We need to be told about Him. And for me this week I needed to feel loved by those brothers and sisters. We need to be reminded how very far church has come with divorce and support does just that. No filling that building isn’t important God and His love is. No matter the size or place it’s about HIM.


Kevin Knox said...

This is some kind of touching, Milly.

Praise the Lord for the body coming together to support the hurting. And for the hurting accepting the care. And for both to turn and hear from the Lord.

May He bless you with more chances to hear from Himself and His body.

Missy said...

This is wonderful to hear, Milly. I rarely hope every day brings a tear, but if that's your response to love - may it be tearful. :)

Hugs from NH...

kc bob said...

I loved this Milly..

"I needed to feel loved by those brothers and sisters"

..that is the heart of church for me.. so glad that you are experiencing this kind of support.

Blessings, Bob

karen said...

Thanking God you have those people to hug you physically because we cannot.
Let them. It's okay to weep. I'll remember that, too.