Last night I was talking to a coworker about another coworker who is said to be "homophobic". I should say that the coworker I was talking to is gay. I said that I thought he was a Christian and that some are very open about how they feel about that subject. We had a nice discussion. I’m rather open on my feelings on the subject. It’s not for me to judge.
That discussion got me thinking about the saying "Love the sinner hate the sin" That would upset me to no end if someone walked up to me and said that. Look this isn’t about being an alcoholic or a drug addict, this is about being someone who loves someone of the same sex. To walk up and say that your life of being happy is a big sin is harsh.
I also had a discussion as to why same sex marriage should be legal. Here’s the brief story two women I work with were married one decided to leave. She was able to walk out of the relationship rather easily. The lady I was talking to felt that had they needed to do more then write a note to the minister letting her know that they were splitting up that they may have worked it out.
That also brings something else to light is it at time too easy to divorce? Or should it be easy to save the family from a difficult time. My cousin is now in process of divorce. He promised to make it easy in order to spare everyone hardship she made it hard so now it’s hard and the children are in the mess.
These issues are rather difficult for Christians to think about but they are there at least where I work.